Should Statue Topplers Receive Jail Time?

Maybe I missed it, but when was vandalism ever legalized?:

The statue of a Confederate soldier and plinth sit on a flatbed truck at the Old Capitol in Raleigh, N.C., on June 21, 2020. After protesters pulled down two smaller statues on the same monument, North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper ordered the removal of several other monuments to the Confederacy, citing public safety concerns. (Allen G. Breed/AP)

President Donald Trump this week threatened a decade of jail time for protesters defacing and toppling statues on federal lands, citing a little known law designed to punish vandalism at American veteran cemeteries.

On Tuesday morning, Trump tweeted that he had authorized federal officials to “arrest anyone who vandalizes or destroys any monument, statue or other such federal property in the U.S. with up to 10 years in prison, per the Veterans’ Memorial Preservation Act, or such other laws that may be pertinent.”

But no presidential authorization is necessary.

Military Times

You can read more at the link, but if you haven’t heard the BLM folks are now tearing down statues honoring abolitionists.

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3 years ago

Yes, I do realize there exists the dangers of aiding the cause when one sentences people to jail time, sort of making them similar to what martyrs are in inspiring people, if that is understandable.

3 years ago

“there exists the dangers of aiding the cause when one sentences people to jail time”

So you sentence them to jail time and then pass Jamal a carton of smokes to shank their pansy àsses at showertime.

The Narrative ignores black-on-black crime and it actively conceals black-on-white crime so they will go down the memory hole faster than an EBT card balance at the lottery ticket machine in a liquor store.

3 years ago

Why is it that the leftists and other Democrats hate the use of all non-lethal crowd-control measures like “tear-gas”, LRAD, Tasers, choke-holds, and rubber bullets? Because they want photos of sympathetically-young, dead protestors…

I’m pretty certain that the “martyrs” they want are those graphically wounded or killed by the police, not “Number 5467342”.

I still remember how they blamed Nixon for the soldiers LBJ sent to Vietnam because he started winning in Southeast Asia. We forgive but we don’t forget.

3 years ago

This is all a part of a bigger globalist plan to destroy the US. What needs to be done is what is done in all criminal and racketeering investigations, follow the money. Trump needs to task AG Bill Barr with using the ample evidence of George Soros’ funding of these radical left-wing groups to take him down. Stop the funding, stop the crime. Much of what is being seen on the streets of America today is funded anarchism. It has nothing at all to do with BLM or George Floyd (who, BTW was a scumbag his entire life up until a month ago). It has to do with power and control. The death of George Floyd may even have been a false flag to trigger these events. He has an identical twin brother who has never been seen in public without his neck covered. Floyd had a noticeable neck tattoo.

As to the subject of this posting, there is never going to be a solution to this while the police are wearing kid gloves and are prohibited to use non-lethal force. These radical have to lose their support base and the only way to do that is to put fear into the hearts of the white liberal candy-asses who fill the ranks of these movements. Trump needs to invoke the Insurrection Act and quell all of this violence once and for all.

Tagum City Tim will now step down from the soapbox to allow others to step up!

3 years ago

I never did like Southerners, and considered the Confederate Flag Racist. No matter how they tried to say it was just a “Battle Flag”. Great Great Grandpa was in the Union Army. the south will rise again! we will kick their azz again too.

3 years ago

Barr has I believe said there is a foreign influence. Hey, CHILE, that country, had some very similar disruptions just like this garbage out there. My personal view, is sure, I want the often “WOKE” white kids and whoever else tossed into jail for 10 freaking long years for what they’ve done.

Also, fair is fair, you have people out there, they may have had some brush with the law at some time, it could be DWI, shoplifting and so on. They paid the price, these people deserve to. Fine with me if the cops use tear gas, etc. etc.

I saw the video of a guard at Buckingham place and the guy was being a real scumbag with the guard and the guard indeed knocked him right down. Aside from that, I heard a bunch of cops got injured in UK today over all of this trash.

But you’ve got to be careful to not give these people what they want. I think so far, yeah, Captain Obvious, they’ve torn down statues and nothing has happened for the most part.

As for tonight in the USA, it’s fairly quiet so far.

3 years ago

I grew up in California and discovered several things as USAF and corporate work took me across the country (45 US states), Mexico, England, South Korea, Netherlands, and Germany:

1. You can find exactly the kind of people you want to find everywhere.
2. People obsessed with flags from non-existent counties (for or against) are usually overcompensating for a personality disorder.
3. Yes, you can find just about any kind of food in just about any town with a Marriott. Maybe not at the Marriott; but somewhere.
4. Arizona and Chemotherapy are each less fun than the literature indicates.
5. Epstein didn’t kill himself.
6. McDonald’s and Denny’s are pretty much McDonald’s and Denny’s everywhere.
7. There are more things in heaven and earth, Dear Reader, than are dream’t of in our philosophy (and science).
8. Self-applied labels are often false advertising.
9. You can trust the communists (to be communists).

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