In 1987 North Korea Proposed Removing USFK and Creating a Confederation with South Korea

This may be a blueprint that we may see played again by North Korea in upcoming talks to meet their goal of separating the ROK from the US:

In the late 1980s, North Korea proposed creating a neutral state on the Korean Peninsula that could serve as a buffer zone in the region, declassified diplomatic documents showed Friday.

Then Soviet Union leader Mikhail Gorbachev delivered the North’s secret proposal to then U.S. President Ronald Reagan during their summit in Washington on Dec. 9, 1987, according to the documents disclosed by the foreign ministry.

Under the plan, the North wanted to create a federation-style republic consisting of two different governments representing the two Koreas and declare it as a neutral state that could serve as a regional buffer zone, the documents said.

The North also called for the two Koreas to sign a nonaggression treaty and replace the current armistice with a peace treaty, while suggesting the new entity would join the United Nations under a single name.

In addition, Pyongyang sought to scrap all agreements or treaties reached with third parties deemed to be running counter to their pursuit of reunification, a demand interpreted as a way to put pressure on Seoul to walk away from its mutual defense treaty with the U.S.

The North suggested the two Koreas reduce the number of their respective troops to fewer than 100,000 as a step toward building a peace mood and called for the withdrawal of any nuclear weapons and foreign troops from the peninsula, apparently targeting U.S. troops stationed in the South.  [Yonhap]

You can read more at the link, but this shows the Kim regime has long tried to separate the ROK from the US.  Their nuclear weapons program is just the latest attempt to make this happen.  Their nuclear weapons program that can threaten the US is being used as a bargaining chip to separate the US from South Korea and then seek a confederation on North Korean terms.

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6 years ago

If only the South hadn’t scuttled the Cheonan, attacked the grounded Nork sub crew with octogenarian mushroom pickers, and put troops on those islands the norks wanted for artillery practice, eh?

6 years ago

That dream might just come true considering Moonie is in power. Have fun being the next Chinese autonomous region!

6 years ago

sounds similar to the Vietnam accords, see how that worked out. Of course commie moon will lick this right up.

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