Korean Man Fined $4,400 for False Dr. Dre Marriage Rumor

This is definitely the stupid thing I read all day:

A court has fined a man, 73, who spread a false rumor online that Lee Hee-ho, widow of late former South Korean President Kim Dae-jung, planned to marry American hip-hop musician Andre Romelle Young, better known as Dr. Dre.

Seoul Western District Court fined the man 5 million won ($4,400) on Friday on charges of cyber defamation and defamation against the deceased.  [Korea Times]

I don’t know what is stupider the fact that someone would actually believe Dr. Dre would marry Kim Dae-jung’s elderly widow or that fact the person who published the blog was fined $4,400 for posting it.

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6 years ago

“was finded $4,400”
Man either turn off your auto-complete or stop posting from your phone. 😛

Defamation laws are a waste and a sign of populous meant to kept stupid.

On a side note, I’m surprised a 73 year old Korean dude would even know who Dr. Dre was. 😮

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