South Korean Journalist Says She Is As Worried About President Trump as Kim Jong-un

Here is another example of the equivalency many journalists try to make between Kim Jong-un and Donald Trump:

People watch President Trump on TV at a railway station in Seoul on Wednesday.

I think if I really think about it, I’m a little concerned. But it’s also in the sense that I’m concerned about how easily accessible nuclear weapons are increasingly in this world. And it’s not just North Korea. It’s the United States, it’s Russia, it’s all these different countries.

There’s another layer of hypocrisy in the way we report about North Korea. Like, the United States owns nuclear weapons, but why is North Korea in the axis of evil that doesn’t get to because it’s supposed to be the less rational one? I’m just generally afraid of nuclear weapons in general. I’m just as afraid of Trump owning nuclear weapons as Kim Jong Un owning one.  [VOX]

You can read more of the interview at the link, but does this South Korean journalist believe Japan should get nuclear weapons because everyone should have the right to pursue them?  That is the obvious logic being advocated for here.

Plus in my opinion anyone who thinks President Trump is just going to wake up one day and authorize a nuclear weapons strike should not be taken seriously.  The same can be said for anyone who thinks Kim Jong-un is just going to wake up one day and launch a nuclear weapons strike as well.

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Smokes at Work
Smokes at Work
6 years ago

Well what did you expect GI? Vox is firmly left-biased and makes no bones about how they feel about Trump. I don’t know about the Korean Expose but this reporter should come live in the US for a year and year go live in the DPRK. If she manages to make it out alive and not in a coma then she can report back to us on which country deserves to wield a nuclear arsenal and which get puts into the axis of evil. 😐

By the way it’s not like when Trump finishes out his 8 years he can take the nukes with him; he doesn’t own them. :hmm:

6 years ago

I guess the difference is that Kim wants to kill her and Trump wants to defend her and Moon wants a joint venture with the North Koreans in the up coming Olympics.

6 years ago

“Vox-plaining” is a synonym for being dead wrong… I have a polite message for nork shill “Haeryun Kang”:

6 years ago
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