Camp Humphreys School Age Center Reopens After Shutting Down Due to COVID Cluster Infections

According to the article kids were going to the CDC sick which is what likely caused the outbreak:

The Capt. Jennifer M. Moreno School Age Center at Camp Humphreys, South Korea, reopened Monday, Nov. 15, 2021, more than a dozen people tested positive for COVID-19 over the previous week. (U.S. Army)

Thirteen people, including nearly a dozen children, linked to an on-base children’s center recently tested positive for the coronavirus respiratory disease, an official at the center said Tuesday. 

At least 11 children and two staff members from the Capt. Jennifer M. Moreno School Age Center on Humphreys tested positive within the past week, center coordinator Tiffany Harris told Stars and Stripes by phone. Around 178 children in grades one through five are enrolled in the center, which employs 24 people.

The center, which provides children with after-school programs, was closed Friday for cleaning and sanitizing; it reopened Monday.

Stars & Stripes

You can read more at the link, but if we learned anything from this pandemic it is to not send your sick kid to school or if you are sick don’t go to work.

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2 years ago

Near the end of October, one of the receptionists at a cancer center in McKinney Texas told me about some fellow who showed up with no mask, no appointment, not calling ahead, and demanding treatment after first declaring himself positive for COVID-19.

There are such thoughtless people everywhere–seemingly more lately, at least online. But it’s rather odd that they’re seen as one political persuasion over another. I think that’s at best disingenuous. At worst, it’s a cynical form of misinformation designed to manipulate the feeble-minded and those consumed by their own fears.

There are such Narcissists in every organization.

Going to work sick and sending sick kids to school are symptoms of a sociopathic disease. Even though 99.44% of people exposed will be okay, it is dangerous to those with known and undiagnosed comorbidities.

And it’s just plain rude to the rest.

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