Former President Bush to Travel to Korea to Attend Memorial Service for Roh Moo-hyun

Considering that former Presidents George Bush and Roh Moo-hyun’s last meeting ended in a testy exchange about North Korea, Poongsan Corp. must be providing him a pretty nice travel package to attend this memorial service:

Former U.S. President George W. Bush plans to visit South Korea next week to attend a memorial service to mark the 10th anniversary of former President Roh Moo-hyun’s death, an official said Monday.

Bush is expected to participate in the memorial event to be held on May 23 at Bongha Village in Gimhae, some 450 kilometers southeast of Seoul, hometown of the late president, according to a foundation set up in honor of Roh.

Bush was Roh’s U.S. counterpart during the South Korean president’s presidency from 2003 to 2008.

“His attendance of the memorial service has been confirmed. We will reveal details later this week,” an official at the Roh Moo-hyun foundation said.

In May 2009, Roh jumped to his death off a cliff behind his retirement home amid a widening probe by prosecutors over allegations that members of his family accepted illicit funds.

Bush’s planned visit is believed to be arranged by local arms manufacturer Poongsan Corp., which has long ties with the Bush family.

He reportedly will visit Seoul for affairs related to the company. Bush’s side is believed to have expressed his intent to participate in the memorial service through the company. 

Korea Times
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5 years ago

Why does he want to celebrate a communist?

5 years ago

Dubya hates Trump. So he goes overseas to memorialize other globalists. He really has been a terrible disappointment…

5 years ago

Globalism is the goal… and all the globalists get along just fine no matter which pathway they take to get there.

If I remove my tinfoil hat for a second and consider why this might be, the laziest answer is that the ruling elite has known for over a hundred years we can’t join the Galactic Council and get access to some of that sweet, sweet hyperspace technology until earth can present a tamed monoculture.

Then I put my tinfoil hat back on and realize the ruling elite are just the sociopaths that floated to the top via their own pathways to power… and, whatever the ideology, it will always be the ruling against the ruled.

5 years ago

We all would go for all-expenses paid and a big fat check too.

5 years ago

J6, not even if a lunch was provided (a la Scrooge funeral).

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