US Army Rolls Out Its New Combat Fitness Test

The Army’s new physical fitness test is on its way with units beginning to field the equipment to take the test this year and final implementation in 2020:

There are six events in the ACFT:

  • Strength Deadlift. This is a three-repetition maximum deadlift to test muscular strength; it mimics movement to safety and effectively lifting and carrying heavy loads.
  • Standing Power Throw. This event involves throwing a 10-pound medicine ball as far as possible over the head and to the rear. It measures upper and lower muscular power, balance and whole body flexibility.
  • Hand-Raised Push-ups. This event forces the soldier to go all the way to the floor and raise his hands before coming back up again, measuring upper-body muscular endurance.
  • A 250-Meter Sprint, Drag and Carry. This is five different events within one event — a 50-meter sprint; a backward 50-meter drag of a 90-pound sled; a 50-meter movement; a 50-meter carry of two 40-pound kettle bells; and a final 50-meter sprint. It measures muscular strength, power, speed and reaction time.
  • Leg Tuck. A soldier hangs perpendicular to the pull-up bar and brings his knees up to his elbows and back down again for one repetition. It measures muscular strength, endurance and grip.
  • Two-Mile Run. The ACFT retains the two-mile run portion of the APFT, which is designed to measure aerobic and muscular endurance.

All events must be completed in 50 minutes or less, so there is mandated rest and a maximum time for each event, Frost said. Each soldier gets two minutes’ rest between each of the first five events and five minutes of rest before the two-mile run.  []

You can read much more at the link, but if soldiers must complete the test in 50 minutes or less I will be interested to see how a company level unit will be able to execute this with six events.  It seems units would have to make this a multi-day event to get everyone complete.

I am also interested to see what the minimum scores will be considering this is a gender and age neutral test.

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5 years ago

How do they know my max deadlift? I would just say my max deadlift was 20lbs, prove me wrong. Nice idea but while the old PT test wasn’t perfect, you didn’t need any equipment.

5 years ago

Oh, and how many females….or PAC clerk males can carry two 40lbs kettlebells?

5 years ago

If a soldier cannot pick up another soldier, both in full kit, there will be wounded soldiers left on the battlefield…

Not saying I’m qualified–or ever was.

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