Month: February 2015

Robot Vacuum Cleaner Attacks South Korean Woman

I own a Roomba and I love what it does maintaining the cleanliness of the floors.  However, don’t blame the robot vacuum cleaner when when you are stupid enough to do this:

Not the first time modern technology has clashed with age-old traditions, perhaps, but a South Korean woman was lucky to escape relatively unscathed after her household gadget tried to devour her mane.

Mrs. Ryu set her automatic robotic vacuum cleaner to diligently do its job last week, but was rudely awoken when the machine mistook her hair for some filth left laying around on the floor.

Ryu, 52, from Changwon City, southeast of Seoul, made the mistake of laying down for a nap on the floor – common practice in many parts of Asia – while simultaneously employing the help of her vacuu-bot.

Then the basketball-sized machine came across the ends of Ryu’s hair, it quickly started diligently sucking it up.  [CBS News]

You can read more at the link, but I don’t know what is sillier, the fact her hair got caught in the vacuum or she had to call emergency services to get her hair out of it.

Families Upset With Lack of Attention of Fishing Boat Tragedy

I understand how these families members are upset, but the sinking of the fishing boat off the coast of Russia that resulted in 53 people dead or missing is not going to get much attention in Korea because the vast majority of the people who died were foreigners.  Plus it happened so far out at sea where there was no news cameras compared to the Sewol ferry boat tragedy:

On a cold afternoon last month, a handful of demonstrators carried signs along a road in downtown Seoul, attracting little attention.

The lack of interest was troubling for the small group, whose loved ones disappeared on Dec. 1 when the Korean-owned trawler Oryong 501 sank in the Bering Sea off the coast of Russia.

Six Koreans were confirmed dead in the sinking of the 1,753-ton vessel; five others remain unaccounted for. In all, 27 men, including Filipinos and Indonesians, have been confirmed dead and 26 are listed as missing.

Some of the Korean family members want the owner of the ship, Sajo Group, held accountable, saying the company sent out a non-seaworthy boat and is evading its responsibilities. They also want the government to apologize for what they believe was lax monitoring of the firm.

“We demand that Sajo Group be punished for letting a malfunctioning fishing boat go out to sea; for an apology from the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries; and a pledge that the ministry will properly supervise future ocean operations,” said Ko Jang-un, a representative for the families, whose brother has been confirmed dead.

Ma Sun-sook, who also lost her brother, said, “You can’t call it an accident if the sinking of the vessel was predictable.”  [Korea Times]

You can read the rest at the link, but the boat took on water during a bad storm and a bad water pump resulted in the boat not being able to extract the water and it sunk.  It had been known for months that the boat had a bad pump.  It seems to me the company is to blame more so than government regulators.

Have You Slept Like An Infantryman?

This posting can pretty much encompass all combat arms and even some of the support branches. So how many have you slept in?

Top 7 Best Places for an Infantryman to Sleep

7. On a cot less than a foot away from the grunt next to you

6. On the floor of an Air Force terminal before deployment

5. The back of a cramped C-130 transport plane

4. The bottom of a foxhole

3. Inside a ridiculously-noisy helicopter

2. The tried-and-true Humvee

1. In the dirt (We Are Mighty)

You can read the whole thing at the link, but I have slept at each of these locations. Something the author left out was sleeping in a Bradley. Nothing worse than trying to sleep in a Bradley turret. Best place to sleep if it cold is on top of the Bradley engine after turning it off. My favorite place was simply on the ramp. Bradley drivers had the best place to sleep though in their location.  By combat arms standards the driver’s compartment was like having your apartment in the field. Here is an actual picture of how my unit in Kuwait was sleeping before moving into Iraq during Operation Iraqi Freedom 1; not exactly the Hilton:

Anyone have some good military sleep locations they want to share?

South Korean Prime Minister Nominee Under Fire for Media Intimidation & Avoiding Active Military Service

Is this really the best that the ruling Korean government can provide for a Prime Minister nominee?  A guy who is accused of intimidating journalists, avoiding active military service, and plagiarizing his thesis?

rok flag

President Park Geun-hye’s pick for prime minister came under fire from opposition lawmakers Tuesday as they accused him of controlling the freedom of the press and lying in order to avoid active military service.

Lee Wan-koo, a former floor leader of Park’s ruling Saenuri Party, has been under pressure to withdraw his name from consideration for the country’s No. 2 political job following allegations he exerted influence on the media to stop them from carrying negative reports about him.

He also allegedly suggested at a recent lunch with reporters that he could influence personnel reshuffles at media companies.

His reported comments have sparked national outrage in a country where people fought past military-backed governments to gain press freedom.

“I apologize a hundred times,” Lee said during a confirmation hearing at the National Assembly. “I apologize once again to the relevant members of the press and the press in general for my inappropriate behavior, and I am deeply remorseful.”

Rep. Kim Gyeong-hyeop of the main opposition New Politics Alliance for Democracy (NPAD) raised fresh allegations that Lee threatened to make a phone call to editors if a reporter published negative articles about him.  (…………………)

During the hearing, Rep. Jin Sun-mee of NPAD accused the nominee of lying in order to avoid active military service.

Lee completed his mandatory military service in reservist duty after being diagnosed with a syndrome that can lead to flat feet.

Rep. Jin claimed, however, that Lee was deemed fit for active service following his first physical exam in 1971 and only later reclassified according to the results of an additional physical exam he took in 1975.

She also raised suspicions that the nominee could have used his power to alter the results of the latter exam after having passed the prestigious state civil service exam a year earlier.

Lee held up several X-ray photos which he said showed the condition of his leg in 1964, 1975 and as recently as 2009. He declined, however, to comment on the first physical exam he took in 1971.

The nominee is also accused of speculating in real estate, plagiarizing his doctoral thesis and intentionally omitting parts of his annual wealth report.

He acknowledged that his thesis did not meet the strict ethical standards of today when it comes to citations, but argued that he still wrote the paper independently using his own data and analytical methods.  [Yonhap]

You can read more at the link, but President Park must view this guy as a real loyalist to put him up as a nominee despite all the baggage he brings.

USFK Court Martial Results for January 2015

Here is the first USFK court martial and ROK criminal prosecutions of the year and there sure are a lot of people being prosecuted to start the new year:

crime image

Results of Army Courts-Martial for January 2015

On 6 January 2015, at a Special Court Martial, Specialist Alvin Cinco, 168th Multifunctional Medical Battalion, 65th Medical Brigade, was found guilty of one specification of Abusive Sexual Contact (Article 120, UCMJ).  The Soldier was sentenced to be reduced to E-1, to perform 30 days of hard labor, and to be restricted for 30 days to the confines of Camp Walker.

On 9 January 2015, at a General Court-Martial, Private (E-2) Joseph Kargbo, 498th Combat Sustainment Battalion, 501st Sustainment Brigade, was found guilty of one specification of disobeying a commissioned officer’s lawful order (Article 90, UCMJ); one specification of sexual assault (Article 120); one specification of false official statement (Article 107); two specifications of assault upon a law officer (Article 128); and one specification of failing to obey a general order (Article 92).  He was sentenced to be reduced to E-1, to forfeit of all pay and allowances, to be confined for 180 days, and to be discharged with a Bad-Conduct Discharge.

On 9 January 2015, at a Summary Court-Martial, Sergeant First Class Steven E. Barnett, 94th Military Police Battalion, 501st Sustainment Brigade, was found guilty of one specification of signing a false document (Article 107); and two specifications of larceny of military property (Article 121).  He was sentenced to be reduced to E-6 and to forfeit $2,914.00 pay per month for one month.

On 15 January 2015 at a Special Court-Martial, Private (E-1) Stefan D. Hughes, 602d ASB, 2CAB, 2ID, was found guilty of one specification of aggravated assault (Article 128, UCMJ); one specification of assault consummated by battery (Article 128); one specification of insubordinate conduct toward a noncommissioned officer (Article 91); one specification of destruction of nonmilitary property (Article 109); two specifications of wrongful appropriation (Article 121); and one specification of disorderly conduct  (Article 134).  He was sentenced to be confined for 140 days, to forfeit $600 pay per month for four months, and to be discharged with a Bad Conduct Discharge.

On 22 January 2015, at a General Court-Martial, Private (E-2) Fernando P. Cabrera, 501st Special Troops Battalion, 501st Sustainment Brigade, was found guilty of two specifications of abusive sexual contact (Article 120, UCMJ) and one specification of indecent visual recording (Article 120c).  He was sentence to be reduced to the grade of E-1, to be confined for 20 months, and to be discharged with a Bad-Conduct Discharge.

On 29 January 2015, at a General Court-Martial, Private (E1) Romel L. Jackson, 1-15th, 210th FA, 2ID, was found guilty of one specification of assault consummated by battery (Article 128, UCMJ) and one specification of aggravated assault (Article 128).  He was sentenced to be confined for 10 months, and to be discharged with a Bad Conduct Discharge.

On 29 January 2015, at a Summary Court-Martial, Private (E-2) Timothy W. McCaulley, 52nd Air Defense Artillery, 35th Air Defense Artillery Brigade, was found guilty of abusive sexual contact (Article 120, UCMJ), and three specifications of violating a lawful general regulation (Article 92).  He was sentenced to be reduced to E-1, to forfeit $773, and to be confined for 30 days.

On 29 January 2015, at a Summary Court-Martial, PFC Dwight A.K. Bradley, 304th Expeditionary Signal Battalion, 1st Signal Brigade, was found guilty of one specification of dereliction of duty (Article 92, UCMJ), and one specification of disobeying a lawful general regulation (Article 92).  He was sentenced to be reduced to E-1, to forfeit 2/3 pay for one month, and to be confined for 30 days.

On 30 January 2015, at a General Court-Martial, Specialist Denzel C. James, 1-15th, 210th FA, 2ID, was found guilty of three specifications of assault consummated by battery (Article 128, UCMJ).  He was sentenced to be reduced  to E-1, to be confined for seven months , and to receive a Bad Conduct Discharge.

On 30 January 2015, at a Summary Court-Martial, PFC Tevin D. Watts, 304th Expeditionary Signal Battalion, 1st Signal Brigade, was found guilty of one specification of dereliction of duty (Article 92, UCMJ), and two specifications of disobeying a lawful general regulation (Article 92).  He was sentenced to be reduced to E-1, to forfeit 2/3 pay for one month, and to be confined for 30 days.

Results of ROK Criminal Prosecutions for January 2015

In Uijeongbu  District Court on 5 January 2015, SSG SSG Joshua L. Tverberg, HSC, HHB, 2d Infantry Division, USAG Red Cloud, was convicted of traffic law violations.  His adjudged sentence was a 1,500,000 Won fine.

In Uijeongbu District Court on 6 January 2015, SGT Jeremy M. Cox, E Btry 6/52d ADA, USAG Casey, was convicted of DUI.  His adjudged sentence was a 3,000,000 Won fine.

In Uijeongbu District Court on 6 January 2015, SPC Daniel S. Vega, LRC-RC, 403d AFSB, USAG Casey, was convicted of DUI.  His adjudged sentence was a 3,000,000 Won fine.

In Uijeongbu District Court on 12 January 2015, SGT Charles L. Kamuf, HHC, 1/73d Armor, USAG Casey, was convicted of Assault.  His adjudged sentence was a 500,000 Won fine.

In Jeonju District Court on 13 January 2015, A1C Emanuel A. Na, 8th LRS, Kunsan Air Base, was convicted of Indecent Act by Compulsion.  His adjudged sentence was a 2,000,000 Won and registration as a sex offender with the local authority.

In Uijeongbu District Court on 15 January 2015, SSG Jari A. Yarrell, I&S Co, HHB, 8th Army (duty w/G-6), was convicted of Larceny and DUI.  His adjudged sentence was a 4,500,000 Won fine.

In Daegu District Court on 15 January 2015, PVT Geoffrey B. Cothran, B Co, 30th ESB, USAG Humphreys, was convicted of DUI.  His adjudged sentence was a 3,000,000 Won fine.

In Seoul Western District Court on 21 January 2015, PFC Eric J. Bradley, F Co, 302d BSB, USAG Humphreys, was convicted of Infliction of Bodily Injury.  His adjudged sentence was a 1,000,000 Won fine.

In Seoul Central District Court on 22 January 2015, WO1 Scedric A. Moss, HHC, 65d Medical Brigade, USAG Yongsan, was convicted of traffic law violations.  His adjudged sentence was a 1,000,000 Won fine.

In Seoul Central District Court on 23 January 2015, SrA Weston P. Basinger, 113FW, attached to 8FW, Kunsan Air Base, was convicted of Indecent Act by Compulsion.  His adjudged sentence was a 2,000,000 Won fine, sexual violence treatment class for 40 hours and registration as a sex offender with the local authority.

In Suwon District Court on 23 January 2015, CW2 Quentin M. Hagewood, A Co, 3-2 GSAB, USAG Humphreys, was convicted of DUI.  His adjudged sentence was a 3,000,000 Won fine.

Female Activists Plan March from Pyongyang to Seoul

Just the fact that Pyongyang is allowing them to do this shows that they are useful idiots for the Kim regime:

interkorean flag

Female activists from around the world will march from Pyongyang to Seoul in May to express their wish for inter-Korean peace, a global non-profit said Sunday.

The Peace Development Fund said around 30 female activists will be participating in the march, which will see them cross the heavily fortified Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) bisecting the Korean Peninsula, on May 24.

The activists include American feminist Gloria Steinem, Nobel Peace Prize laureate Mairead Maguire and Chung Hyun-kyung, a professor at Union Theological Seminary in New York, the organization said.

“Our wish is to cross the DMZ, which separates tens of millions of Korean families, on foot to express our hope for peace,” the group said in a statement.

Participants will also hold peace seminars in the two Korean capitals and discuss the role of women in reducing inter-Korean tension.

The two Koreas are technically at war since the Korean War in the 1950s ended in an armistice, not a peace treaty.  [Yonhap]

I wonder what these activists leftists will do anything to criticize North Korean human rights or even the conscription of women for 5 years in the North Korean military?