Americans that Can’t Find North Korea On A Map Are More Likely to Recommend Military Action

Here is an interesting experiment put together by the New York Times:

An experiment led by Kyle Dropp of Morning Consult from April 27-29, conducted at the request of The New York Times, shows that respondents who could correctly identify North Korea tended to view diplomatic and nonmilitary strategies more favorably than those who could not. These strategies included imposing further economic sanctions, increasing pressure on China to influence North Korea and conducting cyberattacks against military targets in North Korea.

They also viewed direct military engagement – in particular, sending ground troops – much less favorably than those who failed to locate North Korea.

The largest difference between the groups was the simplest: Those who could find North Korea were much more likely to disagree with the proposition that the United States should do nothing about North Korea.  [New York Times]

What I am wondering is who were the people who thought North Korea was in Australia?

Here is something that many people may find surprising, the stupidest of the stupid people who could not find North Korea on a map were Democrats:

What drives these differences? Simple partisanship is one possibility. On average, Republicans – and Republican men in particular – were more likely to correctly locate North Korea than Democratic men. And Republicans were more likely to be in favor of almost all the diplomatic solutions posed by the researchers. (Women tended to find North Korea at similar rates, regardless of party.)

Who would have thought the warmongers were uneducated Democrats?

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Smokes at Work
Smokes at Work
6 years ago

How is anyone supposed to take that seriously when several people picked areas where not but a cajillion gallons of ocean exist? Not to mention that many picked places in central India, two picked Oman, and one picked Saudi Arabia. Seriously if there’s someone out there who thinks North Korea is closer to Africa than it is to Japan they needs to be put down. ❗

Reply to  Smokes at Work
6 years ago

Seriously if there’s someone out there who thinks North Korea is closer to Africa than it is to Japan they needs to be put down.

LOL They probably didn’t know where Japan is either, Smokes.

6 years ago

Knowing how people think, I call complete bullshít on this “experiment”.

It is fake “science”.

Clusters around peninsulas, islands, Asia, SE Asia, are sensible choices for even the most ignorant.

But nobody chose the middle of India unless it was a truly random don’t-give-a-fück decision… and there is no reason for a cluster to exist there.

Perhaps in the deepest ghetto a population of public school dropouts can be found which can’t locate China on a map but that would be a hard to find exception rather than the rule.

This is simply nonsense trying to create stereotypes to promote an agenda.

6 years ago

“Who would have thought the warmongers were uneducated Democrats?”

Woodrow Wilson, a Democrat, got us into wars in Mexico, Central America, and WW1. FDR, a Democrat, got us into WW2. Truman, a Democrat, dropped A-bombs on Japan and got us into the Korean War. Johnson, a Democrat, got us into Vietnam up to our eyeballs. They all had social programs that drove people out of private industry onto government programs. Not a coincidence.

A lot of the small wars since then appear to have started under Republicans; but really began under Democrats (Carter replacing corrupt dictator with corrupt dictator in Nicaragua, Rhodesia/Zimbabwe and Iran, al Qaeda attacking America in the 1990s and sending the 9-11 hijackers here to train). There were also wars that were nearly over and went to Perdition in a purse (for example: Libya, Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan under Obama).

Democrats are more likely to be globalists and interested in making others slaves to a government; but there are plenty of GOP contenders, including John McCain, who ought to know better. It should be noted that “arch conservative” G. W. Bush was more liberal than JFK, so the definitions of terms have changed.

“Remember The Maine!” and the ensuing Spanish-American War were largely inventions of a News Empire run by the Hearst family; but they certainly helped a young Progressive named Theodore Roosevelt. And the current press are certainly just as willing to sacrifice young American lives for political power and a few more dollars…

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