Should Someone Have Intervened In Beating of Korean Woman?

The Korea Observer has a video posted of a Korean man beating a woman on the street.

This incident shows a cultural difference in Korea many Americans may not realize.  In the US people would likely intervene to stop what was going on, however in Korea intervening and getting into an altercation could lead to a lawsuit.  That is why I recommend to foreign visitors and residents in Korea to not intervene in situations like this unless there are a whole bunch of Korean friends to act as witnesses.  The foreigner’s word against a Korean’s usually does not turn out well at the police station.  It is best to call the police and take video to give to the police like the Canadian that took this video did.

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8 years ago

Situations like that ca be complicated.

Five years ago, Korea finally passed a Good Samaritan law. Hopefully, that might start changing cultural attitudes but there are few examples to demonstrate that it has. Despite what is popularly shown in the tough guy hero movies, most still have an understandable fear of personal risk and liability.

If that abuser was intoxicated and one or two guys intervened it is very like they would have used “excessive force” on him. Could he successfully claim in court to be a victim? Then, depending on the relationship between the abuser and his victim, we know that domestic abuse victims will ofter try to defend their abusers.

An intervention could easily turn messy and video evidence may or may not be helpful to the interveners.

8 years ago

MANY cops in the US have been stabbed by abused women after stopping a fight and attempting to arrest the abuser. Not interested in going that direction. Also, my martial arts have been quietly rusting (for lack of use) for the last 40-45 years…

I would step into a shop and ask someone to call the police, though.

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