ROK Drop Open Thread – July 5, 2015

I hope everyone is having a great long 4th of July weekend for those who celebrate it.  Please leave anything you want to discuss in the comments section.

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8 years ago

In the June 28th open thread I posted about and linked to ‘Allegiance’ the George Takei(and cast, see…Lea Salonga & Katie Rose Clarke & Michael K. Lee) Musical on Broadway…
Note: Michael K. Lee(Korean) is playing the role of a Japanese man named Frankie Suzuki.
And so now ~
Conservatives: George Takei worse than KKK for calling Clarence Thomas a ‘clown in blackface
“The conservative media watchdog NewsBusters reported Thursday that Takei had “unleashed a racist rant” against the Supreme Court justice over his dissent in the case that legalized same-sex marriage nationwide. Thomas had written that governments could not strip humans beings of their inherent dignity. “Slaves did not lose their dignity (any more than they lost their humanity) because the government allowed them to be enslaved,” he wrote.
Takei blasted Thomas, who his black, for his dissent in an interview with local news outlet Fox 10 Phoenix.
“He is a clown in blackface sitting on the Supreme Court,” he remarked. “He gets me that angry. He doesn’t belong there. And for him to say, slaves have dignity. I mean, doesn’t he know that slaves were in chains? That they were whipped on the back. If he saw the movie 12 Years a Slave, you know, they were raped. And he says they had dignity as slaves.
“My parents lost everything that they worked for, in the middle of their lives, in their 30s. His business, my father’s business, our home, our freedom and we’re supposed to call that dignified? Marched out of our homes at gun point. I mean, this man does not belong on the Supreme Court. He is an embarrassment. He is a disgrace to America.”
“I was only a child when soldiers with bayonetted rifles marched up our driveway in Los Angeles, banged on our door, and ordered us out. I remember my mothers’ tears as we gathered what little we could carry, and then were sent to live for many weeks in a single cramped horse stall at the Santa Anita racetracks,” he wrote.
“Justice Thomas need have spent just one day with us in the mosquito-infested swamplands in that Arkansas heat, eating the slop served from the kitchen, to understand that it was the government’s very intent to strip us of our dignity and our humanity.”

…Conservative news outlets and blogs labeled Takei a racist, and slammed other websites for not covering his comments.
A number of angry conservatives on Twitter also compared Takei to the KKK.
The conservative site RedState suggested…
The Federalist wrote:
The Right Scoop also said…
Conservative commentator John Nolte said…

8 years ago

How about this Right-Winger…
Wisconsin Man In Custody For Threatening To Kill ‘Usurper’ Obama
“A Wisconsin man is in federal custody after making threats against President Obama while he was visiting the Badger State earlier this week.
Brian Dutcher, 55, was charged Thursday with making threats against the president, who was visiting La Crosse to tout a proposal to expand overtime benefits for millions of American workers.
The Tomah, Wis., man allegedly approached a security guard at the La Crosse Public Library on Wednesday and said, “The usurper is here and if I get a chance I’ll take him out and I’ll take the shot,” according to an affidavit written by Secret Service Special Agent Jeffrey Ferris.
Dutcher posted on his Facebook page Tuesday, “That’s it! Thursday I will be in La Crosse. Hopefully I will get a clear shot at the pretend president. Killing him is our CONSTITUTIONAL DUTY!”
He also told a La Crosse police detective Wednesday that his threat was serious, and he wouldn’t have said it if he didn’t intend to carry it out, according to the affidavit.”

8 years ago

Hope you all had a happy 4th.

8 years ago

“Hope you all had a happy 4th.”

Ummm, it ain’t over for “all” of us you dummy!

8 years ago

Tomorrow night is the USA vs. Japan Women’s World Cup final in Vancouver. The USA hasn’t had a team win the World Cup since 1999 women’s team. If you get a chance(before tomorrow’s final if you can) watch “The 99ers” on ESPN’s series ‘Nine to IX,’ a documentary about that team. Below is the score from each 2015 USA women’s game to reach the finals July 5th/2015.
USA 3 ~ Australia 1
USA 0 ~ Sweden 0
USA 1 ~ Nigeria 0
USA 2 ~ Columbia 0
USA 1 ~ China 0
USA 2 ~ Germany 0

USA vs. Japan
July 5th 16:00 (local time – Vancouver, Canada).

8 years ago

“Hope you all had a happy 4th.”

“Ummm, it ain’t over for “all” of us you dummy!”

…or he could have meant May 4th, you dummy!

Happy Star Wars Day to you as well, Setnaffa.

Leon LaPorte
8 years ago

The one time Setnaffa doesn’t post something objectionable and tbone chooses to be an ass.

I hope everyone had an enjoyable 4th of July.

8 years ago

“The one time Setnaffa doesn’t post something objectionable and tbone chooses to be an ass.”

And you, Leon, didn’t find a way to throw out an anti-religious statement. A strange day, indeed.

8 years ago

Happy Fourth everyone!
And you need Christ in your life, Leon!!

If anyone else spent the fourth at the military base, I’m wondering if it’s the same everywhere. At ours, the safety ‘buildup’ surpassed all other years. I’m pretty sure the launch of the Saturn five paled in comparison to the pre-launch of fireworks at our base.
“Okay, everyone, in ten minutes the lights will be off, so everyone needs to sit down and…DON’T MOVE until they are back on!”
“In five minutes the lights will turn off….” and so forth.

It kind of reminded me of the pixar film, ‘Bug’s Life’, when the leaf dropped on the line of ants and everyone panicked and didn’t know what to do. Except there was no leaf, or line, or anything out of the ordinary in this case.

8 years ago

“Tomorrow night is the USA vs. Japan Women’s World Cup final in Vancouver.”

I prefer my interracial lesbian scenes a bit more hardcore and in a more intimate setting.

Leon LaPorte
8 years ago

9. Nomad: Since no one injected religion into the conversation, there was no need to counter it. There’s certainly nothing religious about the founding of our nation.

10. Liz: Since you did inject it. Why do I need a 2,000 year old Jewish man in my life?

/Sad, we were doing so well.

8 years ago

Leon, you would be a happier man if you had Jesus in you.

…just don’t do it like Tbone and get Jesus in you at a Mexican gay bar.

Leon LaPorte
8 years ago

13 If it makes tbone happy, who are we to judge? He would be exercising his personal freedom and individual responsibility. I don’t care who he’s screwing. It has no effect on me.

8 years ago

As long as everyone wore their safety belts I’m sure all went well.

OMG!! 😮 We’re already into the 101 Critical Days of Summer. Where’s my belt?? 😮

8 years ago

Did you hear about the Mexican train driver who killed a guy?
He had loco motives.

Did you hear about the midget psychic fugitive?
He’s a small medium at large.

8 years ago

“Did you hear about the Mexican train driver who killed a guy?
He had loco motives.”

Maybe he just didn’t si him.

8 years ago

Any relation?

And this guy has a sharper uniform… comment image

8 years ago

“I prefer my interracial lesbian scenes a bit more hardcore and in a more intimate setting.”

Correction ~ Or what EGGHEAD really means…

I prefer my interracial gay guy scenes a bit more hardcore and in a more intimate setting.

There, I fixed it for you!

Sunday’s night game broke soccer viewing records in the U.S.

U.S. Women Shatter TV Ratings Record For Soccer With World Cup Win
“In a record-shattering World Cup final, the U.S. Women’s soccer team beat Japan 5-2. For their win, the U.S. team will earn $2 million.

By comparison, Germany received $35 million in 2014 after winning the Men’s World Cup Final in Brazil. And the U.S. Men’s team won $8 million after losing in Round 16. Last year, $576 million was set aside for Men’s World Cup rewards. This year, a total of $15 million in prizes was available for the Women’s World Cup.

Why the paltry sum for FIFA’s female champions?

FIFA has argued that the the Women’s World Cup doesn’t…”

EGGHEAD also “prefers” this gender-reversed version of ‘Blurred Lines’ by Carousel…

8 years ago

Tbone, along with frequent racism, i see you have now added homophobia to your repertoire of bigoty.

Any lecture you choose to give has now lost yet another degree of credibility… if that is possible.

This is also funny because you have demonstrated many of the signs of someone who had a very pleasurable but extremely shameful/guilty homosexual experience(s).

Don’t let your self-loathing manifest itself through gay-bashing.

8 years ago

EGGHEAD attacked lesbians on the USA women’s soccer team and suggested the entire team is full of “lesbians”…hence my response “This is what EGGEHAD means…”

And why he brings racism into this is his typical bait and switch especially when he’s the KING of RACIST remarks/Anti-black/dark-skin on ROKDROP.

His failure to understand easy English…”This is what EGGEHAD means…” is beyond me! Shall I explain it to him? You see EGGHEAD, that’s what you(EGGHEAD) mean not ME.

Below is EGGHEAD, move your cursor over EGGHEAD…

8 years ago

EGGHEAD wrote…“I prefer my interracial lesbian scenes a bit more hardcore and in a more intimate setting.”

Now, when “gay guy” is inserted into YOUR sentence instead of “lesbians” how is it you go on some “homophobia & “homosexual” rant and point YOUR finger at me and then go on a racism rant to boot?

You started the attack on lesbians EGGHEAD!!! But that’s okay, we know what you REALLY mean!

I think the below sentence & link is what EGGHEAD really didn’t like, aye EGGHEAD?

EGGHEAD also “prefers” this gender-reversed version of ‘Blurred Lines’ by Carousel…

8 years ago

It is clear that EGGHEAD doesn’t like gender-reversals i.e. lesbians for gay guy & scantily clad female dancers for scantily clad male dancers. Boo Hoo EGGHEAD!

Below is the quintessential EGGHEAD’s syle of derailment…

The only difference is that EGGHEAD went from “homophobia” to “racism” instead of racism to “homophobia” like Right-Wing Sen. Lee Bright (R).

And the below link is like as current as you can get so perhaps EGGHEAD knew of this and copied it EGGHEAD style…

‘The devil is taking control’: Watch SC senator derail Confederate flag debate with insane gay marriage rant
“South Carolina state Sen. Lee Bright (R) began debate about removing the Confederate flag from the statehouse grounds on Monday with a passionate plea for lawmakers to focus on same-sex marriage instead.”

8 years ago

The only way EGGHEAD gets to score with his same sex partners is via the Spanish Fly and/or Quaalude. He copies the black/dark-skinned man Bill Cosby.

8 years ago

My observation on lesbians and soccer is provoked by the news gushing over this to the point that, through exposure to headlines, I know more about the lesbianism than the game.

“Abby Wambach kisses her wife after World Cup win”

“Lesbian Led USA Women’s Soccer Team Wins World Cup”

“Women’s World Cup 2015: Anti-Gay Marriage Republican Presidential Candidates Congratulate Team With Gay Players”

It really isn’t an “attack on lesbians” to share my preference for watching them perform a sport other than kicking a ball in a stadium.

I would say my preferred lesbian sport would be nude mud wrestling in a biker bar.

Hide the double-ended latex shaft while i jerk off might be OK, too.

While I unashamedly state that I prefer watching lesbians (lipstick species) over gay men as my lifestyle choice, you treat male homosexuality as an accusation of wrong-doing.

While I demonstrate acceptance and tolerance of various non-traditional lifestyles, you belittle them in a bigoted way.

Shame on you, Tbone.

You should never accuse a man of male homosexuality simply to insult them unless you are a homophobic bigot.

Now go suck a diick.

8 years ago

Is soccer the new softball?

8 years ago

EGGHEAD said…”You should never accuse a man of male homosexuality simply to insult them unless you are a homophobic bigot.

Now go suck a diick.”

Ohhh the irony in those two intended sentences(similar to your # 11 & 20 comments).

With those…
I am outing EGGHEAD for Hypocrisy just as Bill Cosby has been outed.
Judge Eduardo C. Robreno describes EGGHEAD perfectly…EGGHEAD’s general posture as a laughable wannabe moralist, makes his prior comments(#11, #20,and #25) for ROKDROP readers interest sufficient to override EGGHEAD’s acting wannabe pretentious moralist comments.

The stark contrast between EGGHEAD, the laughable wannabe moralist and EGGHEAD, the subject of lesbian & black/dark-skinned hating is a matter as to which the ROKDROP readers — should have a significant interest.

EGGHEAD is everything Richard Pryor’s Widow said of Bill Cosby in the link below…
Richard Pryor’s Widow: ‘Bill Cosby Is A Piece of S h * t’

Hey EGGHEAD, how is your sandwich eating buddy “Jared” from Subway?

8 years ago

There you go with the racism, Tbone.

You just couldn’t wait to introduce the unrelated heterosexual crimes of a black man into a conversation on your homophobia…

…or, more probably, mock homophobia expressed due to shame of your closeted homosexual desires.

You can admit you find homosexuality repulsive and attractive at the same time without belittling practicing homosexuals. You can admit you don’t like African-Americans and want to remind the world of their innate criminal tendencies at every chance.

I think you can overcome your bigotry if you really wish to.

Until then…

…go suck a black diick.

8 years ago

Serious, disturbing news. Bubble wrap will no longer pop.

8 years ago

Liz, i don’t get it.

The new design has interconnected bubbles that shift air away…

…but that appears to negate the successful mechanics of the bubble wrap concept… as it shifts the cushioning air away to where it is not needed.

This is like wheelspin in an open differential where one wheel with good traction is on solid ground and one is on ice… and the one on ice spins as fast as the motor will drive it while the one that needs power gets jack and shyt.

I presume some bubble engineers have tested this and know what they are doing… but that may or may not be the case… products come out all the time that were designed around failure.

O.K. that is all the engineering thinking for today. Back to my art project.

8 years ago

Bubblewrap failure to pop sorta resembles the GOP lately. Although they have sent a lot of those fund-raising surveys that seem to indicate they really believe their previous campaign promises, all I seem to hear is, “If you like your plan, you can keep your plan.”

If there really is no difference between how the parties govern–and the GOP has been folding like a bunch of cheap suits–maybe I should write in “Chicken Head.”

It might have been tbone; but he hates everyone. And it’s not popular to hate gays.

8 years ago

“Is soccer the new softball?”


Yes because EGGHEAD’s hero Sepp Blatter is scared of Loretta Lynch and never traveled to Canada to watch the games or represent FIFA as the so-called president he is/was? It must’ve been a great loss for him missing his fully organized set forth plan of FIFA women wearing short shorts playing on rough artificial turf during games to attract EGGHEADS. Or is it because you never played, ain’t playing, involved in anyway?

Like you were ever tough enough, you has been!!!

Women’s World Cup ball to the head(American blood loss) after injury

Abby Wambach Gets Sucker Punched In The Eye By Colombian Opponent

8 years ago

That’s a good point about the bubble wrap, CH.
Isn’t keep air around the areas of pressure sort of the point of this type of packing material?
Hm. Maybe it’s the Chinese. Again.

8 years ago

I’ll bet it is the Chinese! Because when bubble wrap pops the air comes out, and their air is toxic.
They probably call the new stuff ‘Dream Wrapper’.

8 years ago

Eric Holder returns to law firm that lobbies for big banks. 7-8 figure compensation

After failing to criminally prosecute any of the financial firms responsible for the market collapse in 2008, former Attorney General Eric Holder is returning to Covington & Burling, a corporate law firm known for serving Wall Street clients.

The move completes one of the more troubling trips through the revolving door for a cabinet secretary. Holder worked at Covington from 2001 right up to being sworn in as attorney general in Feburary 2009. And Covington literally kept an office empty for him, awaiting his return.

8 years ago

Eric Holder was a militant anti-American Afro-centric in university who wised up and joined the System… serving the people and institutions he loathed for power and profit… yet never forgetting his hatred for the America he saw as a primarily white organization.

He now again serves the very worst part of that “white” organization even though it is responsible for so much wrong against Americans of all races.

8 years ago

RNC Chairman or Reinhold Richard “Reince” Priebus tells Trump to shut up so will Trump do it? I’d compare this to GI Korea telling EGGHEAD to shut up about other people’s/ROKDROP reader’s mothers. Did EGGHEAD do it? NO!

8 years ago

The problem with telling Trump to shut up is that he is right…

…and a large percentage of Americans recognize this.

Mexico does not send its educated and skilled people across the border. It primarily sends screw-ups who weren’t making it in Mexico, troubled souls running from something personal, and a high percentage of criminals looking to take their act elsewhere…

…not unlike what America sends to the Korean English teacher industry.

The Obama administration, liberal-infested sanctuary cities, and RINO Republicans bowing to their cheap-labor corporate masters have made it VERY clear that Mexican screw-ups will be taken care of, the troubled will be given pity and attention, and the criminal will not be scrutinized nearly as harshly as the Mexican police might do.

I advocate the rule of law… but the law has broken down. This situation could fit the definition of war… in which new rules apply.

Is it time for American citizens to protect American culture and lifestyle from foreign invaders… especially when American culture has demonstrated so much success while the invading culture has offered nothing but failure?

Is it acceptable for American citizens to kill invading illegal aliens which pose a true threat to their standard of living, way of life, income, and social order?

Legally? No.

Morally? Becoming less clear.

8 years ago

“The problem with telling Trump to shut up is that he is right…

…and a large percentage of Americans recognize this.”

Oh, so you don’t want to talk about how you got zippo for ears/eyes/ability to read, understand, and follow GI Korea tules…”Don’t talk about ROKDROP readers mothers?

Of course you don’t because you’re a F****** ignoramus EGGHEAD PUNK!!!!

EGGHEAD says…”The problem with telling Trump to shut up is that he is right…”

What is Trump “right” about you F****** ignoramus EGGHEAD?

EGGHEAD says…”and a large percentage of Americans recognize this.”

Why are you mixing democrats and independents with republicans?

Please entertain us by providing a link you F****** ignoramus EGGHEAD PUNK!!!!

Ignoramus EGGHEAD PUNK says…”Mexico does not send…”

EGGHEAD PUNK says…”It(MEXICO) primarily sends screw-ups who weren’t making it in Mexico…”

Can you show us how the gov’t of Mexico is “sending” anyone to America?

Of course you can’t because you’re a F******* ignoramus EGGHEAD PUNK!!!

What’s more correct is that USA sends way too many MORE “servicethemselfmembers/CONTRACTORS like ignoramus EGGHEAD PUNK/Dumkofs/EGGHEADS just like EGGHEAD abroad who break MANY MORE LAWS than “Mexico” supposedly “sends” to America.

8 years ago

Gun Survey or gun # survey, what I’m looking for is who owns the most guns here on ROKDROP??? Step forward your proud gun owner peeps!!!! I’ll tell you how many I own after ya’ll tell me how many you own.

8 years ago

Anybody want to bet that Tbone’s screen has a countable number of spittle droplets on it?

Leon LaPorte
8 years ago

All of our problems started in 2008 and the tyrannical, inept, corrupt, ineffectual government, or the UN, or whatever, is orchestrating vast and meticulous conspiracies and keeping them a secret. While there are those writing books and hosting radio shows who are trying to educate us sheeple, but the tricky tyrannical government refuses to silence them. Brilliant!. I understand now. No more comment is necessary. I’ll just relax and wait for the End Times. Go Israel!

8 years ago

OMG EGGHEAD provides a link(10 years old) instead of Blah blah blah a he usually does…

One problem is, that he meaningless link is also 10 years old. It doesn’t show that Mexico “sends” what EGGHEAD says…”It(Mexico) primarily sends screw-ups who weren’t making it in Mexico, troubled souls running from something personal, and a high percentage of criminals looking to take their act elsewhere…”

EGGHEAD’s meaningless link doesn’t mention anything about “a high percentage of criminals…”

Providing written words(GOOD ADVICE) does NOT equate to “sending” anyone anywhere.

Ignoramus EGGHEAD punk strikes again!!!

Below is a link only 3 years old…

But why do so many right-wing republicans/EGGHEAD ignore this?
“…the net migration flow from Mexico to the United States has stopped and may have reversed, according to a new analysis of government data from both countries by the Pew Hispanic Center, a project of the Pew Research Center…”

I’m still waiting for ignoramus EGGHEAD punk to show us how the Gov’t of Mexico “sends”…”troubled souls running from something personal, and a high percentage of criminals looking to take their act elsewhere…”

Again, much worse is the USA gov’t sending “troubled souls running from something personal, and a high percentage of criminals looking to take their act elsewhere(around the world to fight in fake or so-callled AND badly fought[WARS]…”

Why are so many servicethemselfmembers like this? And why does USA send to many of them around the world?

Leon LaPorte
8 years ago

If Obama were president of his home country, Kenya, he’d be their first white president.

/Mind blown!

8 years ago

Not One GOP Candidate Agrees To Address Latino Advocacy Group

I call on ignoramus EGGHEAD punk to show(if Mr. Blah blah blah/EGGHEAD can find a truly legit link leading us to what ignoramus EGGHEAD punk had previously claimed but FAILED to prove) the GOP how to do it…Hahahahaha!!!!!

‘Democratic candidates agreed to appear, but not one Republican’
“A spokesperson for the National Council of La Raza, the biggest Latino advocacy group in the United States, says that the organization invited every current Republican and Democratic presidential candidate to their annual convention taking place in Kansas City, Mo., but only the Democrats agreed to come.
That means that none of the GOP candidates — even Donald Trump, who has already claimed the Latino vote — will attend. None of the Latino candidates (Cruz and Rubio) are even showing up, and that just seems kind of impolite.
Slate points out that while presidential candidates don’t always attend the La Raza conference, Republican candidates have spoken at them before, including “every Republican nominee dating back to George H.W. Bush.”

8 years ago

Ignoramus EGGHEAD punk is backwards thinking and 10 years at that! Listen to his speech…

8 years ago

Trump in 1st Place…he’s a knock off the old Trump!!!

EGGHEAD was supporting Trump and hating on Mexicans but isn’t it ironic how Trump employs undocumented immigrants? Hehehehehe!!!!! Kind of like how the DOD employs non-USA citizens to fight in its fake/or so-called and badly fought(by WARDOGS) “WARS” for WARHAWKS in the promise of USA citizenship. SICKENING, and ignoramus EGGHEAD punk partners with these criminals as a so-called “contractor,” contractors wrought with a criminal history.

8 years ago

You got me Tbone.

All those Mexicans are jumping the border to take our technology sector jobs… nothing but Mexico’s finest.

“Not One GOP Candidate Agrees To Address Latino Advocacy Group
Democratic candidates agreed to appear, but not one Republican”

Cool! So I guess those same Democratic candidates will be quick to address a Caucasian advocacy group?


Why, that is racism!

The GOP candidates obviously believe in equality so they will address groups based on shared values or interests but not groups based on promoting race or ethnicity.

Next thing, those wacky Democrats will claim black lives matter.

8 years ago

“Greece defaulted on its nearly $1.8 billion loan payment. Who would’ve thought the country that invented the philosophy major would be broke?”

8 years ago

What did you expect them to do, Liz…

…take it in the azz?

Oh. Wait. Nevermind.

8 years ago

I just don’t understand how tbone could be so angry. I mean, President Obama was elected and reelected, the Confederate flag is coming down in South Carolina, and Hillary’s up to bat…

Leon LaPorte
8 years ago

You mean Hillary IS a bat. 😉

8 years ago

What is up with Donsld Trump?

That guy has been legally but unethically taking people’s money for years and years.

I listened to an hour-long interview with journalists who were actualy trying to get his opinions and ideas instead of throwing out gotcha questions.

Everything he said made sense… especially in comparison to some of the whacked out nonsense other candidates are pushing.

I realize all great cons begin with telling the mark what they want to hear… but he seems to be speaking to productive and educated Americans… while the other candidates seem to be targeting the dependent and crazy.

What’s the worst thst can happen with President Trump? Gridlock? Fine. It can’t be worse than some of the programs other candidates are pushing.

Tbone and the media which misrepresents his clear and tuthful speaking aside, The Donald is worth further consideration.

8 years ago

Trump enriched himself. He might be more honest than Romney.

8 years ago

Trump enriched himself through creating wealth… meaning he created physical tangible items such as buildings. This employed labor, from unskilled to skilled and left a long-lasting improvement. Of course he also made money in creation of intangible goods and through speculation.

Many politicians have made money only through speculation or crony-inspired opportunity.

For this reason, it is likely Trump has a very good grasp of productive negotiation and capitalism… and perhaps even free enterprise.

He might do more for the American economy than other politicians who seem to be living in a different world.

The problem with “creating jobs” is that Americans don’t seem to want to work. Perhaps it is the easy welfare.

Example: This guy just came back to Korea. He got kicked out of the Air Force for general worthlessness… showing up late, not giving a fukk, etc. He screwed around in Korea “teaching English” for ten years with no visa before turning himself in on an amnisty. He went back to the States and got on “medical” marijuana while starting his disability paperwork. Three years later, he has 500/month coming in… with a plan to get 100% in the future. If you thought he was worthless before…

Nonetheless, this is the attitude I see a lot of… people don’t want to work with so much free money available…and a lot of working people who watch this and say, “hmmm… how do i get me some of that?”

Of course, once you make enough to get by, it becomes a big effort to get off your friend’s sofa and make a little more to get ahead.

With over 50% of American households on some form of welfare, hopefully Trump’s job creation message resonates stronger than the other candidates’ Big Government Will Take Care of You message…

…assuming that Americans want to work instead of just collecting the free cash.

Dark times for America of it does not set some clear goals and priorities, make them known to the population, and unite the population in accomplishing them…

…though it will likely take dark times to accomplish this.

All of the candidates are pushing non-productive issues… even crazy issues… so Trump’s clear thinking about important issues really stands out.

The drums of global war are beating.

8 years ago

CH, that’s part of what I mean. Romney appears to be a nice guy; but he also appears to be ashamed that he created wealth for himself, employed many people, did charity, and so on. I wasn’t bothered by his being Mormon as much as his apparent inability to defend himself or America.

Trump is a showman who fits with New Jersey. He thrives in competition.

Why did the chicken cross the road?

Original Answer: To get to the other side.

NJ Version: Why did the chicken cross the road? **** you! That’s why. What the **** does that ******* question have to do with you ******* paying the ******* rent? Get an ******* job you lazy [we’ll stop there]

Trump has never been ashamed of showing off. He likes being in front of a camera. And if I thought he’d tell even 25% of the Federal Bureaucracy “You’re fired!’, I’d have no trouble supporting him. He’s no more “racist” than Nomad, Marmot, or GI. He’s just loud and annoying, like most in politics.

Having a President who tells folks they need to get off their duffs and work for a living would be very refreshing, too.

More answers for context:

BARACK OBAMA: Let me be clear, the chicken crossed the road because it was time for change! The chicken wanted change! Real change! Change he could believe in!

HILLARY CLINTON: When I was Secretary of State, I travelled that road thousands of times and I personally helped that little chicken to cross the road each time. This experience makes me uniquely qualified to ensure, right from Day One, that every chicken in this country gets the chance it deserves to cross the road. But then, this really isn’t about me.

JOHN McCAIN: My friends, that chicken crossed the road because he recognized the need to engage in cooperation and dialogue with all the chickens on the other side of the road.

GEORGE W. BUSH: We don’t really care why the chicken crossed the road. We just want to know if the chicken is on our side of the road or not. The chicken is either with us or against us. There is no middle ground here.

JOHN KERRY: Although I voted to let the chicken cross the road, I am now against it! It was the wrong road to cross, and I was misled about the chicken’s intentions. I am not for it now, and will remain against it.

SADDAM HUSSEIN: This was an unprovoked act of rebellion and we were quite justified in dropping 50 tons of nerve gas on it.

DICK CHENEY: Where’s my gun?

COLIN POWELL: Now to the left of the screen, you can clearly see the satellite image of the chicken crossing the road.

BILL CLINTON: I did not cross the road with that chicken.

AL GORE: I invented the chicken. I will fight for the chickens and I will not disappoint them. Did I mention that I invented roads?

AL SHARPTON: Why are all the chickens white? We need some black chickens.

STEPHEN HARPER: Let me be perfectly clear. I did not know about the chicken, I did not know about the road. If I would have been made aware of them I would certainly have taken appropriate action and prevented the chicken from crossing the road. The culprits responsible for the chicken crossing the road are being investigated by the RCMP.

THOMAS MULCAIR: If the Prime Minister didn’t know about the chicken and he didn’t know about the road, how did he know that the chicken had any intention of crossing the road?

JUSTIN TRUDEAU: The chicken crossed the road because the other side had legalized marijuana.

ROB FORD: That video of me snorting that chicken does not exist and I’ve only crossed that road in a drunken stupor.

ERWIN SCHRODINGER: Since the wording of the question implies the absence of an observer (else the fowl’s motivation might easily be deduced), it is evident that the chicken simultaneously did and did not cross the road. In the face of this, any speculation as to the bird’s purpose must be viewed as mere sophistry – and as such is beyond the bounds of this discussion.

8 years ago

Tbone: Ignoramus EGGHEAD PUNK/Dumkofs/EGGHEADS just like EGGHEAD chicken crossed like servicethemselfmembers and WARDOGS for WARHAWKS because the road is SICKENING and ignoramus EGGHEAD punk!

Setnaffa: The answer is in scripture.

Leon: Obammy and Jebus made the chicken cross to road to escape Jade Helm.

Guitard: As long as I am getting my cut of the action, I don’t care how much they paid the chicken to cross the road.

Ol’ Tanker: To get more LQA.

Liz: That’s a cute story. Did you know I sometimes wear high heels to bed?

8 years ago


8 years ago

Someone needs to do Chickenhead now…

8 years ago

“Someone needs to do Chickenhead now…”

Any one of those swimsuit models can “do Chickenhead”… as long as they take off those ugly French swimsuits first.

ChickenHead: The chicken crossed the road because crony capitalism has destroyed free enterprise which perpetuated a militarized police force that has increasingly encouraged self-serving politicians to chase short-term anti-American goals while low-education Americans seeking entitled welfare and easy access to drugs chase cheap entertainment and emotional fads instead of paying attention to issues which truly affect them such as illegal aliens swarming across the border and trying to push their failed cultures on America while those who support them counter every valid concern with false cries of racism and the government tries to scam more taxes and regulations on the population through fictions such as Global Warming Alarmism while committing anti-Constitutional acts such as monitoring and controlling the population through fictions such as terrorist threats as gun control is pushed upon everyone even though it is overwhelmingly an urban black problem just like Obama refused to release his transcripts because he was likely an Affirmative Action student just as all his paperwork is shady to begin with because Tbone needs more ethnic diick so he can show his mother how diverse he is … and goddammit, JADE HELM IS REAL!

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