Tweet of the Day: Live Anthrax Found on Osan AB Safely Destroyed

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8 years ago

Safety Lesson 101:

Always assume the weapon is loaded until you’ve verified it isn’t.

Leon LaPorte
8 years ago

Get ready for the protests. This is a good (another) reason for the Koreans to refuse the importation of American goods….

8 years ago

“U.S. anthrax has anthrax in it. We will now only accept anthrax imported from Australia.”

8 years ago

Our top government labs (CDC and NIH) also had similar incidents last year. The media coverage from that should have been a wake up call to all labs to tighten up their procedures.

8 years ago

If you want to reduce harm of Anthrax exposure, wear earplugs.

…and take it easy in the mosh pit.

Same thing works with Megadeth, Metallica, and Slayer.

Leon LaPorte
8 years ago

I always considered Slayer a low-budget Metallica…

I’ll go ahead and blame Obama, if that’s alright….

8 years ago

But Bush only mailed anthrax to media outlets and members of congress.

Leon LaPorte
8 years ago

Yeah but he did it so much better, there’s no comparison.

8 years ago

Obama is such a screw-up he can’t even kill Americans with live anthrax straight from the lab.

8 years ago

What would be the purpose of mailing dead anthrax to the lab?

8 years ago

And what would be the purpose of using dead anthrax in a “military exercise”? Couldn’t they just pretend it was there? “No…No, we actually need to smell the bacteria.”

8 years ago

Just thinking further, maybe it was intended to go into one of those nifty on-site thermal cyclers.
But it’s not like these guys would be handling the stuff without a care anyway.
A person has more of a chance getting anthrax just bailing hay without a mask or face cover.

8 years ago

“What would be the purpose of mailing dead anthrax to the lab?”

It doesn’t cause as much scandal and bad publicity as mailing live anthrax to the lab.

8 years ago

[i]”It doesn’t cause as much scandal and bad publicity as mailing live anthrax to the lab.”[/i]

Yes indeed.
One might wonder, since they mail so many many other deadly pathogens *cough*
to medical labs everywhere why something like this would be so terribly surprising.
I wonder what would happen if I sent a can of old green beans to the lab at Osan that had the sides puffed out?
Botulism is like, the deadliest toxin ever.
And it’s ubiquitous. There are clostridium endospores everywhere.
I’d probably get sent up to Gitmo and water boarded.

8 years ago

Imagine the havoc I might wreak with an old jar of expired mayo. Bwahahahaha!!!

Anthrax shots SHOULD be blamed on Clinton. Those were the stupidest things ever. They were timed, and the supply ran out before just about everyone could continue the series. No point for them whatsoever, even if the series were completed it would have been marginally effective if there had ever actually been an anthrax attack.
Good for the pharmacy industry however.

8 years ago

“What would be the purpose of mailing dead anthrax to the lab?”

I think dead anthrax is used to test their anthrax detection equipment.

Leon LaPorte
8 years ago

Well GI, I don’t make the rules on statute of blame limitations however, I note that in some circles it is quite popular to blame Obama for everything from hang nails to that second ice cream scoop falling off the cone. If anyone doubts this, simply read the comments section on any article linked from the Drudge Report. You’ll see blame, not disagreement with policy – just plain HATE, racism, far right looneyness, just plain ignorance, paranoid delusions that Obammy is gonna destroy Jebus and America – all of it in it’s glory. I hadn’t looked in a while but the other day sure enough it’s all still there. The birthers and sekrit mooslim folks are also still alive and well and still have considerable numbers.

Of late I have been cruising the republican candidates facebook pages and holy crap they are just as bad if not worse. Huckabee has an interesting group of god fearing, Jesus loving haters. Hell I saw posts on Ted Cruz’s page hoping once god(s) install him as our earthly leader, he’ll start doing the Christian thing and executing teh gheys (and it had a lot of likes).

Be warned though, Poe’s Law is in full effect when pursuing these. Also, prepare to feel very sad for humanity and our country. 🙁

Leon LaPorte
8 years ago

I wonder if those people criticizing for using FEDEX on this realize they also transport classified material?

8 years ago

“I think dead anthrax is used to test their anthrax detection equipment.”

Why would they need a dead anthrax detector?

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